Stanley Holder Position Change
Congratulations to Stanley Holder on his new position! He has become a tremendous resource to the team with his wealth of knowledge and expertise. We cannot wait to see his continued growth!
Congratulations to Stanley Holder on his new position! He has become a tremendous resource to the team with his wealth of knowledge and expertise. We cannot wait to see his continued growth!
Congratulations to Bryce Rogers, Dillon Gamber, Max Megliola, Shadrack Too, and Stefanie Sawusch on their new positions! They have shown tremendous expertise and dedication in their previous roles. We cannot wait to see their continued growth!
Thank you to our August work anniversaries for their continued service and dedication to both Pinnacle and the special districts we serve!
Thank you to our July work anniversaries for their continued service and dedication to both Pinnacle and the special districts we serve!
Thank you to our June work anniversaries for their continued service and dedication to both Pinnacle and the special districts we serve!
Congratulations to Jennifer Ondracek on her new position of Assistant Director of Finance & Accounting! Her keen ability to lean into people and bring them up with her makes her the prime person to fill this position. We cannot wait to see her continued growth!
We had the opportunity to partner with Serve 6.8 during the month of March for the second annual March Food Madness Drive. Thanks to community members and businesses, over 26,000 shelf-stable items were donated to stock the Resource Centers in the community! The HR department did an amazing job organizing our own Sweet Sixteen food … Continued
Thank you to our March work anniversaries for their continued service and dedication to both Pinnacle and the special districts we serve!
Congratulations to Michael Garcia on his new position as Accounting Manager. He is dedicated to learning more and serving the districts to the best of his ability. We look forward to your continued growth!
Congratulations to Andrew Kunkel and Kevin Mitts on their new positions of Senior District Administrator and District Manager, respectively! They are great examples of servant leadership – always ready to jump in, provide support, and teach others along the way. We cannot wait to see their continued growth!